Advisor FAQs
Advisor FAQs
Some of the most common questions we receive from professional advisors are answered below. If you don't see an answer to your question here, feel free to contact us.
As a professional advisor, you are in a unique position not only to serve the charitable needs of your clients, but also to dramatically improve the quality of life in Howard, Clinton, and Carroll Counties.
You can help your clients realize their charitable objectives by listening for charitable giving opportunities, explaining options, and suggesting solutions. Significant giving opportunities arise when clients are making major business, personal, and financial decisions. Our Team can work with you and your clients to recommend the best charitable solution.
What are your personal motivations for charitable giving?
What are your charitable interests in the community?
What are your priorities?
What level of involvement do you want to have in identifying charitable uses for your gift?
Strategic giving - could involve timing a gift/tax deductibility, etc.
Sale of disposition of highly appreciated stock
Sale of a business
Retiring in comfort
Life Insurance policies that are no longer needed
Alternatives to establishing a private foundation
Closely-held stock
Change in marital and/or family status
Inheritance of money, real estate, and/or valuable assets
Windfall of money - settlements, large commissions/bonuses, lottery
Client's desire to 'Leave a Legacy'
What type of giving vehicle best fits your financial situation and tax status?
We offer personalized service that helps individuals, families, businesses, and nonprofit agencies achieve their charitable and financial goals. The tools and resources we provide make giving easy, flexible, and effective. We also offer an in-depth understanding of the community's challenges and opportunities, as well as the groups and individuals addressing them.
We offer many valuable services, among them:
Counseling on giving instruments and funding options
Illustrating, projecting, drafting or reviewing necessary documents
Developing strategic giving plans for your clients and their families
Provide information and guidance on the communities' charitable needs and opportunities