Grant Resources
GrantSelect is an online database of funding opportunities such as grants awards, and fellowships for example.
**To access resource scroll down to “GrantSelect” and click “Access Resource.”
formerly the National Center for Nonprofit Boards, is the premier resource for practical information, tools and best practices, training, and leadership development for board members of nonprofit organizations
Foundation Center
A national clearinghouse for grantseekers and grant makers, full of resources on foundations, corporate giving and related subjects.
Request for Grant Proposals
Philanthropy News Digest publishes Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and notices of awards as a free service for U.S.-based nonprofit and grantmaking organizations.
Other Resources Not-for-profit Organizations Find Helpful:
Board Cafe
is the electronic newsletter exclusively for members of nonprofit boards of directors.
GrantStation Insider
formerly the National Center for Nonprofit Boards, is the premier resource for practical information, tools and best practices, training, and leadership development for board members of nonprofit organizations
The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University
A center for education, research and training in the not-for-profit sector hosted by Indiana University
The Chronicle of Philanthropy
A great news source for charity leaders, fund raisers, grantmakers, and other people involved in the philanthropic sector. Published every other week.
Council on Foundations
A national association of foundations and corporations that serves the public good by promoting and enhancing responsible and effective philanthropy.
A public directory of all 501(c)(3) organizations used by donors, foundations and corporations. Organizations are allowed to add information to the basic listings to help publicize their programs and needs
Independent Sector
A one-stop resource for data on volunteering, the nonprofit sector, and giving.
Indiana Philanthropy Alliance
The statewide membership organization for grant makers and grant seekers.
Independent Colleges of Indiana
The statewide organization for private colleges and universities in Indiana. It is a great resource for post-secondary education.