• Supporting Education

    Grant supports student club facilitating parent event for middle to high school parents in Spanish.

  • Supporting Recovery

    Grant supports activities at Trinity Hope Center

  • Supporting Youth

    Grant supports Clinton County Boys & Girls Club programming.

Clinton County Community Foundation

Triple your impact - Learn more about our current $2-for-$1 GIFT Match here.


Our purpose is to make the community a better place through the accumulation and stewardship of enduring charitable funds. Together with forward-thinking citizens like you, we can make an impact across a wide spectrum of community needs.


After we receive a contribution from our donors, we invest it and use part of the earnings to make grants to 501(c)3 non-profit organizations that are improving the quality of life in the communities we serve.

Howard | Clinton | Carroll


We believe that investing in the future of our young people is one of the most important things we can do to support our community for the generations to come.

Learn About Giving Through The Foundation

The Clinton County Community Foundation, a fund of the Community Foundation of Howard County, Inc., was established in 1996 to perpetuate the rich heritage of philanthropy in the county and to provide new opportunities for donors.

The Foundation is represented by a volunteer County Services Committee, all residents of Clinton County. The committee receives staff and technical support from the Community Foundation of Howard County. In addition, representatives from Clinton County serve on the Board of Directors of the Foundation.

Through vision, effective organization and good stewardship, the Foundation is a catalyst for stimulating and funding initiatives that improve the quality of life for citizens of Clinton County.

The Community Foundation gives donors of varied interests a vehicle for charitable giving to the community and provides responsible stewardship for donated gifts. It encourages philanthropy by attracting and distributing permanent and non-permanent gifts that together can have substantiated and constructive community impact. The Foundation is also available as a resource to assess and respond to changing community needs.

Our Mission

The mission of the Clinton County Community Foundation is to be stewards helping donors make our communities a better place to live every day.

Give a Donation

Leave a Legacy

Apply for Grants

Be Inspired

Important Information for Advisors

There's a very good chance that your clients are interested in finding a way to help their community. But without your expertise, they may not know how to go about doing it. That's why we encourage you to talk to your clients about the Clinton County Community Foundation.

Foundation News & Events
