Create a New Fund
If you aren't interested in donating to an existing fund, you may create your own. To learn more about these fund types and how each would best work for you, call (765) 454-7298 or email us to ask a question or schedule an appointment.
Honor a Loved One or Organization
Anyone may establish a fund of one of these types with a gift of $12,500 or more. These funds may be named to honor a loved one, or named for the purpose of the fund, or the non-profit organization that it supports. Many donors have chosen to establish funds to benefit their church. Foundation staff is available to work with you to make this experience what you really want it to be.
Call (765) 454-7298 or email us to ask any questions you may have or to schedule an appointment.
We are always eager to work with your attorney and or your accountant to do all we can to assist you in making a gift in the way that best suits your circumstances.
Your Legacy in Howard County
The Legacy Society is a very special honorary organization within the Foundation. It recognizes those forward thinking individuals who have remembered a fund within the Foundation in their estate planning.
Legacy funds can be started with a gift of $1,000.
You can have up to six years to grow the fund to $12,500.
When the fund reaches that level, it can become a permanent named fund in the Community Foundation of Howard County.
It can be named for the type of fund that it is, or with your family name, or in honor/memory of a loved one.
You will be recognized in our publications as a Legacy Fund starter, until it has reached the permanent fund level.
Grants made from your permanent fund will be a part of your legacy of "making a difference" in Howard County forever.
Legacy Fund Starters
To learn more about this exciting opportunity, call us at (765) 454-7298 or e-mail us at info@cfhoward.org. We would love to help you establish your Howard County legacy.
Community Endowment or Unrestricted Funds
Recognizing that the community's challenges and needs will change, donors have established community endowment funds to address the changing needs of Howard County, now and forever. Donors can entrust the Foundation with the selection of the most needed programs to receive grant funding based on a competitive process.
Ben and LaCinda Chapman Family Community Fund
Bill and Lyn Shirley Community Fund
Bucheri McCarty and Metz LLP Community Fund
Celebration/Memorial Fund
Clayton P. Reed Community Fund
Community Endowment Fund
Community First Bank of Indiana Fund
Credit Bureau of Kokomo, Inc. Fund
Daniel A. Duffek Memorial Fund
Daniels Durham Family Community Fund
Darlene and Rick Homkes Community Fund
David and Jill Owen Community Fund
Doris Elzene Chapman Community Fund
Dr. Glen E. Jr. and Jeanne Harland Community Fund
Dr. John A. and Joan E. Bowman Community Fund
Dr. Tom and Carol Scherschel Community Fund
Earl W. Turner Memorial Fund
Ed and Essie Foster Fund
Ellis Family Community Fund
First Farmers Bank & Trust for Howard County Fund
First National Bank Community Endowment Fund
Glenn and Nancy Grundmann Community Fund
Hilda G. Burns Community Fund
Hunt Family Fund
Jim and Karen Alender Community Fund
John R. "Jack" Dean Community Fund
Judge & Mrs. William C. Menges, Jr. Fund
Judy Golitko "Looking Up" Fund
Kristi and Craig Severns Community Fund
McIntyre Family Fund
Miller Fund
Moore-Cotner Family Fund
Robert and Betsy Hoshaw Fund
Robert and Rebecca Kreuzberger Community Fund
Ron and Lisa Metz Family Community Fund
Ross G. Jordan Jr. Community Fund
Sheehan Family Fund
Stanforth Family Community Fund
The Sehr Family Fund
Tom and Linda Miklik Fund
WillShar Community Fund
Donor Advised Funds
Donors may be actively involved in the grantmaking process by recommending which qualified charitable organizations should receive grants from their advised fund. These flexible funds enable donors to address a wide variety of issues as their charitable interests and priorities change over time. Please Note: You cannot direct a Qualified Charitable Distribution/IRA Charitable Rollover to a Donor Advised Fund or a Sec. 509(a)(3) supporting organization.
Anne Darby McCann Fund for the Benefit of the Symposium Club of Kokomo Fund
Betsy and Robert Hoshaw Advised Fund
Christina Lorentson Family Fund
Dr. Gary F. Carmichael Family Advised Fund
Ellis Family Endowment Fund
Eugene and Nancy McGarvey Endowment Fund
G5 Fund
Gingerich Family Fund
Healthier Community Endowment Fund
Hingst Family Fund
Isabelle I. Hayes Advised Fund
J. D. and Lynn Young Endowment Fund
Joe and Katie Thatcher Endowment Fund
Kokomo Early Risers Rotary Club Fund
Margaret P. Schwartz Fredrick Fund
Michael L. Spear in Memory of Amber Spear Advised Fund
Phillip and Dee Ann Weaver Endowment Fund
Rayl Family Fund in Memory of Richard L. 'Dick' Rayl
Richard "Dick" Moore Family Memorial Fund
Robert L. Hutchins Memorial Endowment Fund
Ruth K. Fredrick Advised Fund
Scott Family & Scott Law Office Instruments of Hope Fund
Second Chance Endowment Fund
Stan Mohr Fund for Youth
The Severns Family Fund
Tim and Dana Davis Family Advised Fund
Whorwell Musicianship Fund for Eastern High School
William M. Morgan Endowment Fund
WillShar Advised Fund
Young Leaders Endowment Fund
Designated/Agency Funds
Donors may identify one or more charitable organizations to receive an income stream forever. If at some time in the future the named charity is no longer recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization, the Foundation Board of Directors has the variance power to select another organization with a similar purpose to benefit from the fund.
Abundant Life Church Fund
Acacia Academy Endowment Fund
Ann N. Adams Endowment
(for First Evangelical Presbyterian Church)
Bette Bannon Endowment for Howard Co. Historical Society
Bette Bannon Endowment for Kokomo Rescue Mission
Beulah Marner Cobb Endowment for the Howard Co. Historical Society
Bona Vista Endowment Fund
Bridges Outreach
Camp Kesem Endowment Fund
Carver Community Center Fund
Central Middle International Middle School PTA Fund
Central National Bank of Howard County Endowment Fund
Clinic of Hope Fund
Cole Hardwood, Inc. Fund
Community Assistance Foundation Fund
Credit Bureau of Kokomo, Inc. Destination:Education IUK Fund
Cross America Inc. Fund
Destination: Education IUK
Dr. John A. and Joan E. Bowman Memorial Fund1
(for Community Howard Regional Health Oncology)
Dr. John A. and Joan E. Bowman Memorial Fund2
(for Ascension St. Vincent Oncology)
Durward and Rosemary Paris Fund for Grace United Methodist Church
Durward and Rosemary Paris Fund for the Literacy Coalition
Eastern Howard Performing Arts Society Endowment Fund
Endowment For The Visual Arts
(Kokomo Art Association)
Evelyn Iliff Stanley Literacy Coalition Fund
First Congregational Christian Church Foundation Fund
First Congregational Christian Church H.W.'Hod' Peabody Maintenance Fund
Frank and Angela Martino Fund
Gene, Wilma, Heber, and Blanche Parks Russiaville Town Enhancement Fund
Glen and Jeanne' Harland Endowment Fund
(for Purdue University-Kokomo Scholarships)
Grace United Methodist Church Endowment Fund
Grace United Methodist Church Local Outreach Fund
Grace United Methodist Church Outreach Ministries Endowment
Greentown Historical Society Fund
Greentown Public Library Fund
Habitat for Humanity of the Kokomo Community, Inc. Fund
Haitian Environmental Support Program
Howard County 4-H Fund
(Paul J. Raver memorial)
Howard County Historical Society Endowment Fund
Howard County Veterans Memorial Endowment Fund
H. W. "Hod" and Barbara R. Peabody Memorial Fund
(to support mission projects of the First Congregational Church)
H. W. "Hod" Peabody Fund
(supports American Red Cross, American Cancer Society, Kokomo Park Band and Marine Corps League)
Irene Rolland Fund
(Project One 17 International, Inc.)
James and Judy Kruggel Fund for Gilead House and Kokomo Urban Outreach
Joan Knolinski Scholarship Fund
(for Kokomo Morning Musicale Scholarships)
Johnathon McKoon Memorial Scholarship Fund
John Eugene Fredrick & Bessie Kitselman Fredrick Memorial Fund
(supports Bridges Outreach)
John F. Hughes Memorial Fund
(for the benefit of the Hospice Center- Northfield Hospital)
John Murray Thompson Memorial Fund to Benefit the Howard Co. Historical Society
KEHLC Endowment Fund
Kenneth L. "Red" Craig Fund
(for Kokomo Education Foundation General Scholarship Fund, Kokomo Rescue Mission and Family Services Association)
Kiwanis Club Foundation of Kokomo Indiana Inc.Fund
Kiwanis Club Foundation of Metropolitan, Kokomo, IN. Inc. Fund
Kokomo CEO Endowment Fund
Kokomo Civic Theatre Endowment
Kokomo Howard Co. Public Library Fund
Kokomo Humane Society Fund
Kokomo Morning Musicale Scholarship Fund
Kokomo New Car Dealers Association Fund
(for Ivy Tech Community College Auto Technology Scholarships)
Kokomo Park Band Fund
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Burt Family Scholarship Fund
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Christie Honor Wildcat Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Class of 72 Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Coulter Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Davis Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Deluise Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Druecker-Smith Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Dunbar Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation Endowment Fund
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation Enrichment-Special Programs Fund
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Frank & Emily Moore Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-General Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Hauswald Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Healy Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Hogan Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Holly Kirkpatrick Fund
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Holman Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Julia M. Reyburn Memorial Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Kammeyer Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Lewis Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Luttrell Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation Maintenance and Operations Fund
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-McConnell Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-McNulty Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Millikan Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Moulder Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Sanburn Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Sandifur Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Showalter Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Swain Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Tickfer Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Wells Scholarship
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation-Winslow Scholarship
Kokomo Rescue Mission Endowment Fund
Kokomo Schools Educ. Found.-Athletic Dept. Fund
Kokomo Schools Extracurricular Activities Fund-Band Boosters
Kokomo Symphonic Society Endowment Fund
Kokomo UEA Streetscape Maintenance Fund
Larry Rolland Fund
Linda Daugherty Friedrich Fund for Ball State University-Art Fund
Linda Daugherty Friedrich Fund For Ball State University-Music Fund
Linda Daugherty Friedrich Fund for the American Cancer Society of St. Petersburg FL
Linda Daugherty Friedrich Fund for the Florida Orchestra
Linda Daugherty Friedrich Fund for the Kokomo Humane Society-Desig
Linda Daugherty Friedrich Fund for the Multiple Sclerosis Association
Linda Daugherty Friedrich Fund for the Multiple Sclerosis Society
Linda Daugherty Friedrich Fund for the SPCA of Tampa Bay
Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer Endowment Fund
Lynn K. Harland and Leslie K. Harland Scholarship Fund for Taylor High School
Madge Morrison Long & Maxine Morrison Memorial Fund for the Howard County Historical Society
Main Street Christian Church of Russiaville Fund
Mary C. Fingleton Fund
(for Accounting Degree Majors)
Maude Kelley Memorial Fund
(benefits Community Howard Regional Health System Foundation Scholarship Program)
Michael "Big Mike" Geary Gilead House Inc. Fund
Mike's Italian Grill Fund for Birthright of Kokomo
Narrow Gate Horse Ranch Fund
National Greentown Glass Association Fund
New London Cemetery Perp.End.Fund
Norman & Wanda McVay End.-St. Luke's U.M. Church
(for the benefit of St. Luke's United Methodist Church)
Pennfield Friends Housing Endowment Fund
Ralph & Thelma Peters Memorial Book Fund for Elem.Educ.-Eastern Howard School Corp.
Redeemer Lutheran School Tuition Endowment Fund
R. Franklin Zehring Endowment Fund
(Kokomo Rescue Mission, Grace United Methodist Church, Grace Baptist Church and United Methodist Church of Bennetts Switch)
Robert and Daisy Rostron, Sr. Fund for the benefit of St. Andrew Episcopal Church
Ruth S. Hotchkiss Memorial Fund
(for the benefit of the Howard County Historical Society)
Sagamore Council, Boy Scouts of America, Inc.Endowment Fund
Samaritan Caregivers Endowment Fund
Sesquicentennial Celebration Fund
(Howard County Historical Society)
Stanforth Family Designated Fund
Sterling P. Tignor Fund for the Kokomo Symphony Orchestra
Sternemann Family Fund for Sts. Joan of Arc and Patrick School
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church Fund
Taylor High School Class of 1970 Fund
Taylor School Corporation Fernung Fund
Tribal Trails Girl Scout Council Endowment Fund
Turning Point S.O.C
United Way of Howard County Endowment Fund
Walter J. Moss Teacher Enhancement Scholarship
(for Howard County teachers seeking an advanced degree)
Weston and Marjorie Bassett Endowment Fund for Grace United Methodist Church
Wheelchairs for Kids Endowment Fund
William S. and Susannah B. Hough IUK Scholarship Fund
William & Sharon Bassett Fund
(benefits Bridges Outreach, Kokomo Rescue Mission and Kokomo Urban Outreach)
William S. & Susannah B. Hough Endowed KSO Chair Fund
"Winnie" Lurene Walsh Scholarship Fund
Young Men's Christian Association of Kokomo, Inc.Fund
Field of Interest Funds
A field of interest fund allows donors to support a broadly defined area, such as the arts, youth, health, etc. The Foundation awards funding through a competitive process to the most needed programs within the donor's area of interest of the fund.
Blush Fund
(for organizations promoting physical, emotional and/or spiritual growth)
Chet and Mabel Crawford Fund
Children's Fund
Currens Family Fund
(early childhood education and youth development)
Dr. John and Joan E. Bowman Hospice Fund
Early Childhood Education Fund
First Congregational Christian Church "Closet" Fund
(for students in Howard County middle schools)
Fisher Memorial Endowment
Howard County Education Fund
Northview Christian Church/Rich Valley Christian Church Fund
(youth-serving and/or faith based organizations)
Partners in Education Advised Fund
Senior Citizens' Fund
Society for Crippled Children and Adults of Howard County, Inc. Fund
(for the physically and mentally handicapped)
The Eva Cripe Endowment Fund
(for medical treatment of heart disease, leukemia or mental illness)
Thomas E. & Ruth Fredrick Sheridan Endowment Fund
(to support areas of interest in child care, beautification, youth and Destination: Education IUK)
Virginia M. McKay Endowment Fund
(for "Magic Closet" at Kokomo High School or Howard County schools)
Whitehead Family Fund
(for mental health and early childhood development)
William S. and Susannah B. Hough Youth Fund
WillShar Youth Fund
Women's Fund
Scholarship Funds
Donors may customize a scholarship fund to provide educational opportunities for graduates of certain schools, for studies in specific fields or for programs at particular institutions of higher education. In addition, donors may select eligibility requirements.
Abby Kathryn Rethlake Memorial Scholarship Fund
(for students studying cosmetology)
Adams Rotary Memorial Scholarship Fund
(nursing/medical degrees)
Alex and Kitty Bell Scholarship Fund
(for Kokomo High School graduates who participated in sports or cheerleading)
Altrusa Memorial Scholarship
(for Howard County non-traditional students)
Amy Striebel Kalas Scholarship Fund
(for Northwestern High School graduates studying arts, music or entertainment)
Barbara J. Wolfe Scholarship Fund
Betsy Demaree Scholarship Fund
(Northwestern High School)
Betty E. Fowler Scholarship Fund
(for Howard County and Maconaquah high school graduates studying fine arts)
Betty Lou James Scholarship Fund
(for Western High School graduates who have studied family and consumer sciences)
Bill and Carol Hubbard Family Scholarship
Bingaman Athletic Scholarship Fund
Bradley E. Hemmeger Memorial Scholarship
(for Western High School graduates who were on the Tennis Team or participated in varsity sports)
Brook Camden Memorial Scholarship Fund
Carl Anderson Fund
(for education degrees)
Carol J. Wright Scholarship Fund
Carolyn Jean Kratzer Scholarship Fund
(for Howard County and Maconaquah high school graduates studying fine arts)
Charles and Ethel Petro Family Scholarship
(for Howard County students studying education, nursing, or an agriculture related field)
Coach John R. "Jack" Dean Scholarship Fund
(for Northwestern High School graduates)
Coan Family Scholarship
(Howard County students studying manufacturing trades or technologies related to motorsports)
Community Foundation of Howard County Scholarship Fund
(Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship finalists)
C.V. Haworth Memorial Scholarship Fund
(for Kokomo High School graduates attending Indiana University Kokomo or Bloomington)
Dave Kitchell Scholarship Fund
(for Kokomo High School graduates pursuing a career in communications)
Donald and Loretta Holihan Education Fund
(for Kokomo, Northwestern and Western high school graduates)
Dr. James L. Coffin (PhD) Scholarship Fund (for IU Sociology students focusing on Native American studies)
Dwight V. and Linda S. Singer Scholarship
(for Western High School graduates, with a preference for education degrees)
Fisher Medical Scholarship
(for Howard County high school graduates seeking a medical degree)
Forrest E. Jump Memorial Scholarship Fund-Bloomington
(for law students attending Indiana University Maurer School of Law Bloomington)
Forrest E. Jump Memorial Scholarship Fund-Indianapolis
(for law students attending Indiana University McKinney School of Law Indianapolis)
Frederick E. Wideman, M.D. Taylor Student Athlete Scholarship Fund
(for Taylor High School graduates who have participated in any varsity sport for two or more years)
Gene and Wilma Parks Scholarship Fund for Kokomo High School
Gene and Wilma Parks Scholarship Fund for Western High School
Gerald Hood Memorial Scholarship for Future Teachers Fund
(for Northwestern High School graduates becoming a teacher)
Goodfellows Scholarship Fund
(for current college students who volunteer with Goodfellows of Kokomo in December)
Hamilton-Middleton Scholarship Fund
(for Western high school graduates studying business or history)
Helen & Morris Stout Scholarship Fund
(for Howard County graduates for education beyond high school)
Holtson Family Teacher's Fund
(non-traditional students)
Howard Tipton AFL-CIO Fund
(for Howard or Tipton graduates with a parent or guardian who is a union member)
H.W. 'Hod' Peabody BSA Scholarship Fund
Jean E. Farrar Fager Scholarship Fund
(for Kokomo High School graduates studying education)
Jeffrey A. Stout Scholarship Fund
(for Howard, Carroll and Tipton county graduates pursuing a degree in mortuary, paramedic or fire sciences)
Jenny Michelle Butler Memorial Scholarship Fund
(for graduates who attend First Evangelical Presbyterian Church)
Jesse W. Dunn Total Effort Scholarship Fund
(for Kokomo High School graduates who participated in sports)
J. McFarlane and Pearl Q. Smith Scholarship Fund
John Henry Owens Scholarship Fund
(for students pursuing a degree related to retail merchandising)
John P. Fredrick Destination: Education Scholarship Fund
John Pitzer Scholarship Fund
(for Kokomo High School graduates attending Indiana University)
Judy and Dennis Schulte Fund for Future Teachers
(for Kokomo, Northwestern, and Western High School graduates)
Judy Suffield Memorial Scholarship
(for Western High School graduates)
Karen Westendorf Perry Memorial Scholarship
Kathie Beatty Memorial Scholarship Fund
(for Western High School graduates attending Purdue University)
Kathy A. Name Memorial Scholarship Fund
(for Howard County high school graduates studying nursing)
Kathy A. Pylat Scholarship Fund
(for Western High School graduates attending a state-supported school in Indiana)
Kay Kuhns Scholarship
(for Kokomo High School graduates interested in studying journalism)
Knolinski Family Scholarship Fund
(for Howard County high school graduates pursuing a degree in mathematics, accounting, science and/or engineering)
Kokomo Country Club Scholarship Endowment Fund
(for Howard County students)
Kokomo High School Class of 1964 Scholarship Fund
Kokomo High School Class of 1969 Scholarship Fund
Kokomo High School Spirit of 1961 Scholarship Fund
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation
(This fund provides support to the Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation's scholarship program. The following scholarships are supported by this fund.)
Bernard & Sue Tickfer Scholarship
Burt Family Scholarship
Carl McNulty Scholarship
Class of 1972 Spirit of Harmony Scholarship
Dan Hogan III Scholarship
Dan Wells Scholarship
Dave Kitchell Scholarship
Dr. Jeff Hauswald Scholarship
Ed & Carolyn Kammeyer Scholarship
Elizabeth Handley/Grace Methodist Church Shadow of Hope Fund
Francis Arthur Lewis Scholarship
Frank & Emily Moore Scholarship
Imogene Winslow Scholarship
James Swain Scholarship
Jeffrey T. Moulder Scholarship
Joan Holman Scholarship
Joe Dunbar Scholarship
Kay Deluise Scholarship
Kokomo High School General Scholarship
Linda Healy Scholarship
McConnell Scholarship
Miriam Showalter Scholarship
Reyburn Scholarship
Sandifur Scholarship
Druecker-Smith Scholarship
Waylon Coulter Scholarship
Wayne Luttrell Scholarship
William & Cora Davis Scholarship
Kokomo Rotary/Hod Peabody "Total Person" Award Fund
Kokomo Rotary/Howard Dyar "Total Person" Award Fund
Kokomo Womans Department Club Scholarship Fund for Ivy Tech State College
Kristin Brockmann Jansen Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund
Lechner Memorial Scholarship Fund
(for Howard County High School graduates)
Leslie Anne McCarthy Scholarship
Linda F. Pagel Scholarship Fund
(for Western and Tri-Central high school graduates)
Lloyd and Laura Swartzendruber Scholarship Fund
(for Howard County graduates studying music or Christian education)
Lynn Dewhurst Memorial Scholarship
(for Kokomo High School students)
Martha Ann Brooks Memorial Scholarship Fund
(for Howard County high school graduates)
Max M. Earl Memorial Scholarship Fund
(Howard Co. residents who are attending Indiana University School of Medicine)
Melissa Anson Jarrell, DDS Fund
(for Howard County graduates studying in the medical or dental fields)
Mike and Brenda Imbler Scholarship Fund
(for Eastern High School students attending Ivy Tech Community College Kokomo)
Mike Stegall Kokomo CEO Fund
(for students who complete the Kokomo CEO program)
Military Foundation Major Gen. David L. Harris Memorial Scholarship
(for students graduating from Cass, Howard, Tipton or Wabash county high schools)
Minnich's Hindsights Scholarship Fund
(for Howard County students pursuing a General Studies degree at IU)
M. Joyce Cook Memorial Scholarship Fund
(for elementary education, ministry or mission field degrees)
Patricia F. Johnson Scholarship Fund
(for Kokomo High School graduates who intend to pursue a degree in language arts, art or music.)
R.A.C.I. Scholarship Fund
R. Franklin Zehring Scholarship Endowment Fund
(for Howard County high school graduates)
Richard Crosser Memorial Scholarship Fund for the Kokomo Schools
(for degrees in architecture, building technology or business)
Richard Crosser Memorial Scholarship Fund for the Taylor Schools
(for degrees in architecture, building technology or business)
Richard Hayden Miller and Marsha Ann Miller Scholarship Fund
Richard L. & Marion J. Eller Scholarship Endowment Fund
(for students from Clay, Ervin and/or Howard Townships)
Rick Fingleton Scholarship Fund
Rob Kreuzberger Memorial Scholarship Fund
(for Northwestern High School graduates who have participated in band, preference for drumline)
Ronald A. Hale Scholarship Fund
Ron E. Sibray Memorial Scholarship Fund
Russena L. Comer Scholarship Fund
(for educational field degrees)
Sadie A. Townsend Memorial Scholarship Fund
(for Kokomo High School graduates)
Shuckstrong Scholarship Fund
(for graduates of any high school in Howard County)
Stephen (Tank) Name Memorial Scholarship Fund for Northwestern High School
(for students who have participated in a varsity sport for two or more years)
Thacker Memorial Scholarship Fund
(for Howard County graduates attending Indiana University or Purdue University)
Tri Kappa Associate Chapter Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
(for Howard County residents pursuing a nursing degree)
Turnaround Scholarship Fund
(for Howard County high school graduates)
Western High School Class of 1962 Scholarship Fund
Western High School Class of 1963 Scholarship Fund
Western Women's Scholarship Fund
(for Western High School female graduates)
W. G. Harter Memorial Scholarship
(for Kokomo High School graduates studying engineering and engineering technology)
Wiese Oldsmobile GMC Truck Scholarship Fund
(for Howard County high school graduates attending Purdue University)
William S. and Susannah B. Hough Memorial Scholarship Endowment
(for Howard County high school graduates who will attend Indiana University Kokomo, Purdue University Kokomo or Ivy Tech Community College Kokomo)
William W. "Billy" Bassett Jr. Basketball Scholarship
Winifred M. Farwick Scholarship Fund
(Western High School)
"Winnie" Lurene Walsh Scholarship Fund (for IUK students studying business, accounting, or finance)
Operating Endowment Funds
Donors support the work of the Community Foundation through their gifts to operating endowment funds, which provide support to the operating budget of the Foundation forever.
Betse Severns McCullough Memorial Operating Fund
Bill and Marilyn Bersbach Operating Endowment Fund
Board Designated Operating Endowment Fund-HO
Credit Bureau of Kokomo, Inc. Operating Endowment Fund
Directors Fund-Howard County
Don L. Wilhelm Fund
First National Bank Operating Endowment Fund
Herbert and Lillian Miller Operating Endowment Fund
Hod Peabody Operating Fund
Kevin and Hilda Burns Operating Endowment Fund
KeyBank (Society) National Bank Operating Endowment Fund
Liberty Financial Group Operating Endowment Fund
Miles & Finch Operating Endowment Fund
NiSource Operating Endowment Fund
Operating Endowment Fund
R. Franklin Zehring Operating Endowment Fund
Rick and Diane Smith Operating Endowment Fund
Robert C. 'Chuck' Bucheri Endowment Fund
Syndicate Sales Operating Endowment Fund
Non-permanent Funds
Short-term programs or special projects
Community Values Fund
Howard County Greek Club Scholarship Fund
Howard County Public Health Fund
Katharyn Elizabeth Fell Demaree Fund
Kokomo Community Health Care Fund
Kokomo Early History Learning Center Fund
Kokomo High School Class of 1960
The Millennium Fund
Tony Gabriel Student Athlete Scholarship Fund
Legacy Funds
Sometimes a great idea needs a little time to grow. That's why we created our 'Legacy Fund' as a way for our donors to grow an endowment fund that will provide a permanent income stream to the charitable organization of their choice.
Funds established under the Legacy Fund program are intended to grow to the $12,500 minimum over a period of six years. The first payment would be $1,000, and additional payments can be made for any amount at any time by anyone.
This meets the needs of the donor who has the desire to start a fund but requires a little more time in fulfilling the minimum. As the donor builds the fund, the Foundation will reinvest and credit all interest, dividends and market returns to the fund.
Once the fund reaches the $12,500 minimum, the income will be used to award grants from the fund.
Bingaman Athletic Scholarship Fund
Michael "Big Mike" Geary Gilead House Inc. Fund
Richard Hayden Miller and Marsha Ann Miller Scholarship Fund