Create a New Fund
If you aren't interested in donating to an existing fund, you may create your own. To learn more about these fund types and how each would best work for you, call (765) 454-7298 or email us to ask a question or schedule an appointment.
Honor a loved one or organization
Anyone may establish a fund of one of these types with a gift of $12,500 or more. These funds may be named to honor a loved one, or named for the purpose of the fund, or the non-profit organization that is supports. Many donors have chosen to establish funds to benefit their church. Foundation staff is available to work with you to make this experience what you really want it to be.
Call (765) 454-7298 or email us to ask any questions you may have or to schedule an appointment.
We are always eager to work with your attorney and or your accountant to do all we can to assist you in making a gift in the way that best suits your circumstances.
The Legacy Society is a very special honorary organization within the Foundation. It recognizes those forward thinking individuals who have remembered a fund within the Foundation in their estate planning.
• Legacy funds can be started with a gift of $1,000.
• You can have up to six years to grow the fund to $12,500.
• When the fund reaches that level, it can become a permanent named fund in the Carroll County Community Foundation.
• It can be named for the type of fund that it is, or with your family name, or in honor/memory of a loved one.
• You will be recognized in our publications as a Legacy Fund starter, until it has reached the permanent fund level.
• Grants made from your permanent fund will be a part of your legacy of "making a difference" in Carroll County forever.
Legacy Fund StartersDerek & Jennifer Fisher
Richard & Gretchen Roach
Dottye & Carl Robeson
To learn more about this exciting opportunity, call us at (800) 964-0508 or e-mail us at info@cfcarroll.org. We would love to help you establish your Carroll County legacy.
Community Endowment or Unrestricted Funds
Recognizing that the community's challenges and needs will change, donors have established community endowment funds to address the changing needs of Carroll County now and forever. Donors can entrust the Foundation with the selection of the most needed programs to receive grant funding based on a competitive process.
Alan and Katrina Coghill Family Community Fund
Alan & Linda Jackson Community Fund
Bill and Susan Trueblood Community Fund
Directors’ Fund
Carroll County Community Endowment Fund
Dennis & Nancy Kern Community Fund
Huffer Family Fund
J & K Watson Enterprises dba Delphi Hardware & Paint Fund
Jason M. Howard Endowment Fund
Jim and Barbara Payne Family Community Fund
Ken and Julie Pyle Family Fund
Larry & Kathi Johnson Community Fund
Norman Family Community Fund
Tom Flora Family Fund
Donor Advised Funds
Donors may be actively involved in the grantmaking process by recommending which qualified charitable organizations should receive grants from their advised fund. These flexible funds enable donors to address a wide variety of issues as their charitable interests and priorities change over time. Please Note: You cannot direct a Qualified Charitable Distribution/IRA Charitable Rollover to a Donor Advised Fund or a Sec. 509(a)(3) supporting organization.
Barbara Jo McCain Camden Library Preservation Fund
Brad & Mary Jo Watson Advised Fund
Darrell & Jan Bailey Family Advised Fund
Herr Family Advised Fund
Jerry Young Memorial Endowment Fund
Slopsema Family Advised Fund
Designated/Agency Funds
Donors may identify one or more charitable organizations to receive an income stream forever. If at some time in the future the named charity is no longer recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization, the Foundation Board of Directors has the variance power to select another organization with a similar purpose to benefit from the fund.
Beta Alpha Chapter of Psi Iota Xi Endowment Fund
(for the benefit of the arts and educations programs at Carroll schools)
Burlington Kiwanis Fund
Carroll County 4-H Fund
Carroll County Buddy Bag Endowment Fund
Carroll County Religious Education Endowment Fund
Carroll County YMCA Fund
Delphi Preservation Society Fund
Delphi Trails Security and Safety Fund Designated Fund
Don and Jean Willy Endowment Fund
(benefits YMCA Camp Tecumseh)
Flora Depot Endowment Designated Fund
Flora-Monroe Township Public Library Endowment Fund
Fountain of Grace Fund
George A. Schmidt NICHES Fund
Helen R. Skinner Fund for the Delphi Public Library
J.D. and Lynn Young Fund
Joan McCain Scholarship Fund
(for Delphi Community High School graduates)
John C.& Doris M.Peterson Fund for Carroll Co.Historical Society
John & Mary McCormick Fund for Carroll Co. YMCA
John & Mary McCormick Fund for St. Joseph Catholic Church
John McCormick Agricultural Scholarship Fund
(for Delphi Community High School graduates)
John Richard and Joan L. McCain fund for Ca.Co. Wabash & Erie Canal
John Richard and Joan L. McCain fund for Camp Tecumseh
John Richard and Joan L. McCain fund for Kokomo Rescue Mission
Katheryn Weinberger Fund to Combat Hunger
(through activities of the Flora Presbyterian Church)
Katheryn Weinberger Library Fund
(benefits the Camden-Jackson Township Public Library)
lirio Resources Fund
Lockport Church Endowment Fund
Marshall & Patsy McCammack Fund for Care for the Poor
(benefits Kokomo Rescue Mission)
Matt Lewis Scholarship Fund
Mental Health America Wabash Valley Region Fund
M.E.'Pete' and Joan Jackson Community Fund
(benefits Carroll County Historical Society)
Mike Atwood Sr. Delphi Wrestling Fund
(scholarships for Delphi Community High School varsity wrestling students and program)
Mildred L. Helvie Fund
(benefits Trinity Lutheran Church)
Pearl Kennedy Fund for the Camden-Jackson Public Library
Ralph E. Zinn and Greg A. Zinn Memorial Fund
(benefits the Carroll County Community Center)
Reynolds B. Hart Endowment Fund
(for lirio Resources, Sagamore Council BSA and Central Indiana Girl Scouts)
Richard & Gretchen Roach Fund
(benefits Oak Grove Christian Church)
Richard L. Funkhouser Endowment Fund for Delphi Preservation Society, Inc.
Robert and Dorothy Mills Endowment for Delphi Preservation Society
Robert and Dorothy Mills Endowment Fund
(benefits YMCA Camp Tecumseh)
The Obear Fund
(for YMCA Camp Tecumseh "Camperships")
Todd Burman Memorial Scholarship Fund
(for scholarships for graduates of Delphi Community High School and Carroll High School)
Wabash & Erie Canal Endowment Fund
YMCA Camp Tecumseh, Inc. Fund
Young Family Fund Benefiting Carroll Manor
Field of Interest Funds
A field of interest fund allows donors to support a broadly defined area, such as the arts, youth, health, etc. The Foundation awards funding through a competitive process to the most needed programs within the donor's area of interest of the fund.
Carroll County Education Fund
(for the benefit of educational programs in Carroll County)
Donald & Doris Duff Memorial Fund
Flora Family Medicine Fund
Richard L. Funkhouser Fund
(for the benefit of Carroll County history)
Scholarship Funds
Donors may customize a scholarship fund to provide educational opportunities for graduates of certain schools, for studies in specific fields or for programs at particular institutions of higher education. In addition, donors may select eligibility requirements.
Abigail Williams Scholarship Fund
(for Delphi Community High School graduates)
Bill Pearson Scholarship Fund
(for Carroll County students pursuing a degree in an agricultural field)
Carolyn Gilbert Scholarship Fund
(for Carroll High School graduates)
Charles and Alberta Beale Scholarship Fund
(for Carroll County graduates enrolled in an agricultural field)
Cutler Alumni Association Scholarship Fund
(for Carroll High School graduates)
Fisher & Associates Accounting Scholarship Fund
(for Carroll County graduates, including home-schooled students)
Greater Delphi Chamber Scholarship
IGWA Joseph L. Armstrong Family in Business Scholarship Fund
(for IGWA employees and IGWA family members)
Indiana Packers Corporation Scholarship Fund
(for Carroll County high school graduates studying agriculture)
Irving E. Manning Memorial Scholarship Fund
(for Carroll High School graduates)
John & Kathie Connelly Scholarship Fund
(for Delphi Community High School graduates who earned a varsity athletic letter)
Lewis and Hazel Mullin Scholarship Fund
(for graduates of Delphi Community High School who will attend an Indiana college or university)
Liberty German Scholarship
(for Delphi Community High School graduates)
Mid-North Indiana Executive Committee for Christ Advised Fund
(for high school graduates who reside in Clinton, Cass or Carroll counties)
Robert & Joan Maxwell Scholarship Fund
(for Delphi Community High School graduates)
Robert Thornburg Scholarship Fund
(for Carroll High School graduates)
Robeson/Barber Scholarship Fund for Teachers
(for Carroll High School graduates pursuing a degree in education)
Operating Endowment Funds
Donors support the work of the Community Foundation through their gifts to operating endowment funds, which provide support to the operating budget of the Foundation forever.
Carroll County Community Foundation Operating Endowment
Non-permanent Funds
Short-term programs or special projects
Janet Israel Scholarship Fund for Delphi Community Schools
L & A Park Foundation Fund
Legacy Funds
Sometimes a great idea needs a little time to grow. That's why we created our 'Legacy Fund' as a way for our donors to grow an endowment fund that will provide a permanent income stream to the charitable organization of their choice.
Funds established under the Legacy Fund program are intended to grow to the $12,500 minimum over a period of six years. The first payment would be $1,000, and additional payments can be made for any amount at any time by anyone.
This meets the needs of the donor who has the desire to start a fund but requires a little more time in fulfilling the minimum. As the donor builds the fund, the Foundation will reinvest and credit all interest, dividends and market returns to the fund.
Once the fund reaches the $12,500 minimum, the income will be used to award grants from the fund.
Barbara Jo McCain Camden Library Preservation Fund
B.C. and T.C. Scholarship Fund
Darrell & Jan Bailey Family Advised Fund
Donald and Doris Duff Memorial Fund
J.D. and Lynn Young Fund
Mike Atwood Sr. Delphi Wrestling Fund