Philanthropic Impact Society
Howard County
Donor Members of the Philanthropic Impact Society
The following are members of the Philanthropic Impact Society because we know that they have made plans to leave financial resources behind to benefit this community through a fund in the Community Foundation after they have gone. Experience teaches us that there are quite a few folks who have made plans and have chosen, for now, to keep that information to themselves.
Ann Adams*
Bette Bannon*
Leland & Bonnie Baxter
Rita Beatty*
Diana Bond
Kenneth 'Red' Craig*
Tom Crawford
Eva Cripe*
Elizabeth F. Demaree*
George & Betty Dunbar*
Joe Dunbar
Dr. Max M. Earl*
Richard 'Dick' & Marion Eller*
G. Richard Ellis*
Rick Fingleton*
Glenn & Mary* Fisher
Betty Fowler*
John Fredrick*
Rex and Kara Gingerich
Eric Grzegorski
Ronald A. Hale
Anna Hamilton*
Ron and Liz Harper
Dr. Emita Hill
Chuck and Pat Hinders
John and Hilda Hingst*
Rick and Darlene Homkes
Betsy and Bob Hoshaw
William and Sue Hough*
Grace Jay*
Deborah Johnson*
Joan B. Kellum*
Carolyn Kratzer*
Becky Kreuzberger
John 'Jack' C. Kuhns*
Bill and Barb Lambert
Leslie McCarthy
Don Pagel
Gene and Wilma Parks*
Phil and Ruth Ann Pate
Hod* and Mary Ann Peabody
Nicole Peel
James & Sandra Pohlman
Winifred 'Kitty' Robinson*
Larry & Irene Rolland
Dr. Marilyn Skinner
Mr. Mike Spear
Mike & Linda Stegall
Helen Stout*
Jim Swisshelm
Gail Trammell
Gail and Bea Weedman*
Imogene Winslow*
Robert & Carol Wright Sr.
Frank Zehring*
Jeff and Paula Zollman
*denotes deceased
Clinton County
Donor Members of the Philanthropic Impact Society
The following are members of the Philanthropic Impact Society because we know that they have made plans to leave financial resources behind to benefit this community through a fund in the Community Foundation after they have gone. Experience teaches us that there are quite a few folks who have made plans and have chosen, for now, to keep that information to themselves.
Carol Lee Allen
William J.* and R. Jean Beard
Robert and Meg Bracken*
Lois J. Dowden*
Ruth Felix*
Edith Gould*
Robert E. Hall Jr.*
Carroll C. Johnson
Jeff & Lois McMurtrey
Lou Ann Mitchell
William and Doris Mohr*
George and Mary Ogle*
Larry and Carol Price
Herbert and Marjorie Ruch*
Ruth Derrick Ruch*
Robert and Eleanor Ryan*
Mary Lou Stuart*
Wendy Thompson
Phyllis Widener*
*denotes deceased
Carroll County
Donor Members of the Philanthropic Impact Society
The following are members of the Philanthropic Impact Society because we know that they have made plans to leave financial resources behind to benefit this community through a fund in the Community Foundation after they have gone. Experience teaches us that there are quite a few folks who have made plans and have chosen, for now, to keep that information to themselves.
M. Lucille Brown*
Terry & Amelda Callender
John Connelly*
Richard Funkhouser*
Carolyn Gilbert*
Reynolds B. Hart*
Matthew 'Pete' & Joan Jackson*
Ruth A. Johnson
Patrick Kennedy
Richard & Susan Klepinger
Paul & Sue Manning
Richard 'Dick' & Joan McCain*
Marshall & Patsy McCammack
Greg & Pam Michael
Bret & Michelle Rinehart
Martin & Jeanette Rinehart
LeRoy Robeson*
Orville Shultheis*
Gordon & Shirley Wagoner
Douglas B. Wood
David & Elisabeth Wright
*denotes deceased
How Rick and Darlene Homkes became Philanthropic Impact Society members.
Like planting a seed, a legacy gift is a form of renewal, in that it perpetually keeps memories fresh and dreams alive. Darlene and Rick Homkes have seen many seasons of renewal during their 30 years in Russiaville and sought to have a way to preserve the richness of that experience. Through the Community Foundation of Howard County, Rick and Darlene have selected a local “Natural Restoration and Community Beautification Project” for a legacy gift as part of the estate plan in their will.
“God has truly blessed us and our family during our years in this community,” Darlene said. “We thought it seemed proper after 30 years to leave something for everyone to enjoy, and to continue to make it even better.” A legacy gift supporting a community beautification project is a natural extension of their commitment to enriching the area around southwestern Howard County. Rick is a longtime member of Russiaville’s Park and Tree Board, a volunteer group that promotes and maintains playgrounds, parks and natural areas. Darlene is a member of Russiaville Community Outreach, whose numerous projects include local health and craft fairs.
As longtime active supporters of the Community Foundation, Rick and Darlene witnessed firsthand the generosity of spirit the organization can harness when they and another family seeded the Kathie Beatty Memorial Scholarship Fund in memory of a Western High School alumna tragically killed in a car accident while attending Purdue University. Thanks to ongoing fundraisers and being included in estate plans, that scholarship is now a permanent endowment. “We’re so proud of the Community Foundation and the way they help make people’s lives better,” Rick said. And thanks to the Homkes’ legacy gift for beautification, Russiaville residents will enjoy the results with the splendor of each new season year-round.