Lilly Endowment Scholarship
The 2025 Lilly Endowment Scholarship Deadline was August 30, 2024.
The primary purposes of the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship Program are 1) to help raise the level of educational attainment in Indiana; 2) to increase awareness of the beneficial roles Indiana community foundations can play in their communities; and 3) to encourage and support the efforts of current and past Lilly Endowment Community Scholars to engage with each other and with Indiana business, governmental, educational, nonprofit and civic leaders to improve the quality of life in Indiana generally and in local communities throughout the state.
The program will provide scholarships for otherwise unreimbursed full tuition, required fees, and a special allocation of up to $900 per year for required books and required equipment for four years of undergraduate study on a full-time basis, leading to a baccalaureate degree at any Indiana public or private nonprofit college or university accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
To apply for the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship Program in Howard, Clinton, or Carroll County, students must reside in the specific county for which they are submitting their application.
The program is open to all Indiana residents who have graduated from an accredited Indiana High School and have received their diploma no later than June 30, 2025. (*A high school is considered accredited for purposes of the program if it is accredited by the State Board of Education or by a national or regional accreditation agency that is recognized by the State Board of Education.)
To pursue four years of undergraduate study on a full-time basis leading to a baccalaureate degree at an Indiana college. Keep the Community Foundation apprised of their academic status during college and post-graduation status (education and/or employment) for at least 10 years after graduation.
Each foundation sets the selection criteria and procedures that they use.
Criteria for our 3 counties include:
Academic achievement
Activities in and out of school
Potential for success
Financial need -- Completed financial profile
2025 Timeline
The following is the timeline for the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship selection process:
Aug. 30, 2024 - Lilly Scholarship Applications due
Sept. 4, 2024 - References and Letters of Recommendation due
Oct. 16, 2024 - Howard Co. finalist interviews
Oct. 22, 2024 - Clinton Co. finalist interviews
Oct. 23, 2024 - Carroll Co. finalist interviews
Nov. 3, 2024 - Deadline to send nominations to Independent Colleges of Indiana for approval
IMPORTANT: The Community Foundation must receive approval from Independent Colleges of Indiana prior to announcing the scholarship recipients. The Community Foundation will contact each finalist with the committee’s decision upon receiving that approval.