Benefits of Giving through Community Foundation
Our Purpose
It all started in 1991 when the Community Foundation of Howard County was established. Our purpose is to make the community a better place through the accumulation and stewardship of enduring charitable funds. This is done by allowing forward-thinking folks to work together to create a reservoir of charitable funds that can be used to make an impact across a wide spectrum of community needs.
Community Foundation of Howard County established
Clinton County Community Foundation established
Carroll County Community Foundation established
Our Funds
A broad range of options is available to allow financial contributions of any size from people who want to make Howard, Clinton, and Carroll Counties better. The primary way that the Foundation enables this activity is through the establishment of endowed funds. These funds are carefully managed so that there will be income from the fund for the donor's purpose. In certain situations funds that are not endowed can be an important part of our mission.
Learn about Fund Types
A wide array of options is available to allow donors to act within their personal situations to make Howard, Clinton, and Carroll Counties better places to live, work, and raise a family. Feel free to call us at (765) 454-7298, or contact us to schedule an appointment to further discuss your interests.
Ways to Give
Thank you for your interest in the work of the Community Foundation. We are committed to providing the highest possible level of service to those donors who work with us to improve our community.

We specialize in simplifying the process of charitable giving, ensuring a seamless and personalized experience for each donor. Our dedicated team provides comprehensive support, taking the time to understand and align with the specific charitable and financial goals of every individual. When you’re exploring diverse philanthropic interests, we're here to guide and assist every step of the way, ensuring that each charitable gift makes a meaningful impact.
Expertise and Security
Our professional staff has broad expertise regarding community issues and needs. We are a community leader, convening agencies and coordinating resources to create positive change. We partner with professional advisors to create highly effective approaches to charitable giving that fit the circumstances of our donors.
The Foundation offers a wide variety of avenues to achieving your personal charitable goals. We ensure that the intent of your gift will be honored and served as community needs and conditions change over time. We also accept a wide variety of assets and can facilitate even the most complex forms of giving.
Tax Benefits
The Community Foundation of Howard County, Inc. is a public community foundation recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501 (c) 3 organization. That means gifts to the Foundation receive maximum tax advantages for income and estate tax purposes.