Nonprofit organizations awarded more than $14,500 in 2010

December 9, 2010 -- The Carroll County Community Foundation has awarded more than $14,500 in competitive grants to Carroll County nonprofit organizations in 2010.

"Through the foresight of donors who have made endowments over the years, we are able to support organizations that provide vital services to the community," said Derek Fisher, Chairman of the Carroll County Community Foundation board of directors. "The money we are entrusted with is intended to be a positive influence for the residents of the community. We thank the donors and the organizations for providing the foresight and resources as together we make a positive difference on the lives of people within our community."

The following agencies and programs were awarded grants:

$2,500 to Adams Mill will provide support to be used to help defray expenses associated with a fundraising campaign to pursue acquisition of Adams Mill and the adjacent property near Cutler, Ind. The property is for sale by private owners and is at risk of being removed from the public domain. This historic property is on the National Register of Historic Places and is routinely used as a community center, educational resource and recreational activities.

$1,000 to Book Readers and Horn Blowers will provide funding for the 2010-11 program that features the book "John Philip Sousa" from the award winning series entitled "Getting to Know the World's Greatest Composers" by Mike Venezia. The program will be offered to approximately 750 students, age kindergarten through 5th grade at Delphi Elementary School.

$1,121 to the Carroll County Community Center will provide partial support for the Membership Software Purchase project. Grant money will be used to purchase a software system that will provide the functionality to manage membership, participant usage and billing. This new software will allow the Community Center to track usage and billing on a daily and monthly basis.

$1,027 to the Carroll County Historical Society will provide partial support for the Genealogy and Research project. Grant money will be used to purchase two book shelves and two tables that will provide a better way to display research books and provide clients with adequate space to work.

$2,500 to the Carroll County Wabash & Erie Canal provides partial support to update the 2006 Marketing Plan in order to take the organization to the next level and meet future growth expectations. The purpose of the project is to attract more visitors to the Canal Park and increase the public's awareness of the canal's early transportation legacy in Carroll County.

$1,000 to the Delphi Public Library will provide funding for the Digital Media Lab project. Grant money will be used to purchase a portable media cart containing a laptop loaded with video and audio editing software, video and audio recording equipment including microphones, a digital video camera, sound recorder and sound mixer, and supporting equipment such as headphones, cords and stands. The digital media lab will help record events in the library, create promotional videos and audio spots for the Web site, and provide programming for teens and other patrons who need to produce audio and video projects.

$1,250 to The Friends of Carroll County Parks will provide partial support for the Deer Creek Park Pond Cleanup project. Money will be used hire a company that will provide a program to improve the quality and appearance of the pond's water. The project includes removing algae and undesirable plants, and inspections and treatments needed for control of the submersed weeds, filamentous algae and duckweed.

$4,500 to Burlington Community Park provides partial support for the Replacement and Updating Park Playground Equipment project. Grant money will be used to assist with the purchase and installation of replacement park playground equipment. New equipment to be installed includes a tarantula climber, a 9-foot groove slide, a 13-foot mogul slide and a Kid's Choice Fitness System. The Burlington Park playground is located in the center of the park and utilized by many area families with young children and grandchildren.

The Carroll County Community Foundation, established in 1997, is a not-for-profit charitable organization governed by a volunteer board of local citizens. The purpose of the Foundation is to serve the interests of donors, to make grants and to act as a catalyst around issues of community importance in Carroll County. For details about making a charitable gift or establishing a permanent endowment fund to benefit a charitable organization or interest in Carroll County, please contact the Carroll County Community Foundation at (800) 964-0508 or visit the Web site at


