Scholarships for Students in Howard, Clinton & Carroll Counties

Investing in the Future

At the Community Foundation Serving Howard, Clinton, and Carroll Counties, we believe that investing in the future of our young people is good business for our region.

Many people in Howard, Clinton, and Carroll Counties have created scholarship funds at the Community Foundation, or contributed to existing scholarship funds. We thank them again and invite you to join with them and help strengthen our community by expanding educational opportunities for deserving students.

Howard County Scholarships

Clinton County Scholarships

Carroll County Scholarships

Scholarship Establishment Criteria Checklist

This scholarship establishment criteria checklist will help you to define your scholarship.

Scholarship Fund Information

You can get information about starting your own scholarship fund by contacting us by e-mail or by calling (765) 454-7298.


College Scholarship Links on the Web

In order to be eligible for most financial aid for college, you will need to fill out a Free Application for Federal Student Aid, a.k.a. FAFSA form.

  • ACT, Inc

    a general financial aid and college information page

    Best Colleges FAFSA Resource

    An easy-to-follow guide to understanding the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

    Best Jobs U.S.A

    Want to see what the "hot" jobs are?

    Career Planning

    wonderful site for some help in planning a career

    College is Possible

    a great deal of useful information

    is the place to learn about SAT preparation and general college and financial aid information.

    College Xpress

    really interesting site with searchable databases and tons of information

    Common Application

    346 different colleges and universities will accept this application form.


    another FREE searchable scholarship database

    Independent Colleges of Indiana

    is a really nice site containing information about the private schools in our state.

    Indiana College Network

    Information from Indiana colleges offering distance learning opportunities

    Learn More Indiana

    a really useful site for students planning to attend a college or university

    ScholarTrack Portal

    the one-stop shop for Indiana's financial aid needs

    Twenty-first Century Scholars Program

    Indiana started the Twenty-first Century Scholars in 1990 to ensure that every student can afford a college education.

    U.S. Department of Education

    a site containing a wealth of information about federal financial aid programs

Establishing a Scholarship at the Community Foundation Doesn’t Take a Rocket Scientist

(but you might just be able to help someone become one)

So how easy is it to establish a scholarship fund in the Community Foundation? Here are some questions to consider when starting a new scholarship fund. If you'd like more information, bring these questions and any more that you might have to our office, and we'll help you sort out the details.

  1. Do you have a preference as to the high school(s) the student has graduated from or a geographic area?

  2. Do students have to be recent graduates to be eligible?

  3. Do you have a preference as to the kind (trade, vocational, or university) of post-secondary educational institution that they attend or where (a particular university or post-secondary school) the student will attend?

  4. Do you want to help students who are majoring in a specific area or working toward a particular career field?

  5. What criteria are important when selecting the recipients of the scholarship? Recipients can be selected based on:
    financial need
    good character
    letter of recommendation
    healthy life style
    academic achievement
    good citizenship
    other ____________

  6. Are the scholarships renewable (subject to available funds, etc.)?

  7. How much to you want the amount of the annual scholarships to be?

  8. Should income from the fund be paid directly to support the general scholarship fund at the high school(s) and/or college/university/trade school?

  9. What will the award be called? ___________________________________

Foundation staff is available to work with you to make this experience what you really want it to be.

The Community Foundation will administer scholarships established through the Foundation according to the stated fund agreement’s criteria. The selection committee shall consist of the Scholarship Committee of the Community Foundation appointed by the Board of Directors. This scholarship establishment criteria checklist will help you to further define your scholarship.

Call (765) 454-7298 or email to ask any questions you may have or to schedule an appointment. We are always eager to work with your attorney and or your accountant to do all we can to assist you in making a gift in the way that best suits your circumstances.