Nonprofit organizations awarded more than $10,800 in 2011

December 14, 2011 -- The Carroll County Community Foundation has awarded more than $10,800 in competitive grants to Carroll County nonprofit organizations in 2011.

"We are seeing more requests come in through our competitive grants process," said Paul Manning, Chairman of the Carroll County Community Foundation Board of Directors. "We thank the donors to our unrestricted funds for utilizing the Foundation as a way to support Carroll County. As a Foundation, it is important to adapt to the changes in a community and these donations enable us to help with current needs while building funds in anticipation of future needs."

The following agencies and programs were awarded grants:

$1,000 to Adams Mill will provide partial support to help with expenses associated with marketing Adams Mill. The grant money will be used for brochures, supplies, professional printing of larger signs and the reproduction of historic pictures. Adams Mill is important to the history and heritage of Carroll County and serves as a center for educational and recreational opportunities.

$1,000 to Book Readers and Horn Blowers (BRHB) will provide support for the "Duke Ellington, American Jazz Legend" program. BRHB will present the program in conjunction with Black History month at Delphi Elementary School. The program increases student awareness about the importance of their American cultural heritage and encourages the love of reading, history and music. During this interactive program, Ellington's life will be presented through a convocation and musical performance.

$1,124.55 to the Camden-Jackson Public Library will be used to purchase a large screen HDTV, DVD player, and a PC-to-TV wireless adaptor for the community room in order to allow patrons, particularly teens and children, movie night programming. The PC-to-TV wireless adaptor will allow both library staff and community members to display the contents of a computer screen on the large screen television for power point presentations, graphs, charts or other digital content during presentations.

$466.56 to the Carroll County Community Center will be used to purchase tables to be used for community events at the facility.

$782 to Carroll County Focus on the Future will provide partial support for two additional forums to be held in 2012. The forums are designed to give local citizens the facts surrounding various issues and to encourage a grass roots response to deal with those issues affecting Carroll County.

$1,250 to the Carroll County Soil & Water Conservation District will provide matching support for a Well Water Testing project. Funds will be used to cost-share the $20 fee for nitrate/organic tests conducted in Carroll County. The purpose of the project is to educate the residents about the quality of their drinking water and will provide the county with baseline information about water supply quality.

$883 to the Carroll County Wabash & Erie Canal will be used to purchase a LCD projector, laptop computer and cart for use at the Canal Center in Delphi. The media equipment will allow the center to present mini-lecture series and enable more organizations to operate electronic media presentations at the facility without having to bring in borrowed equipment.

$510 to the Delphi Public Library will be used to purchase three additional wireless headset microphones to be used primarily for the library's annual summer theatre productions featuring the Stargazers Children's Theatre and the Red Brick Theatre. The new equipment will coordinate with the existing sound system and enhance the performances for both the actors and the audience.

$2,500 to Delphi Community Schools will provide support for the Carroll County Adult Education Program (CCAP) to purchase adequate testing, supplies, teaching materials and equipment that will provide adult basic education. The primary purpose of the program is to serve the under-educated adults of Carroll County. CCAP also serves individuals needing a remedial course in math or language, excluded high school students and home-schooled young adults who need to improve their skills in order to pass the GED test.

$1,300 to Junior Achievement of Carroll County will provide support for the Economics for Success program that is currently being taught at Carroll Jr.-Sr. High School and will be expanded to include Delphi Community Middle School. The program provides practical information about personal finance and the importance of identifying education and career goals based on a student's skills, interests and values. Through a series of six volunteer-led sessions, students learn how to balance a budget, the importance of a credit score and about insurance risk.

The Carroll County Community Foundation, established in 1997, is a not-for-profit charitable organization governed by a volunteer board of local citizens. The purpose of the Foundation is to serve the interests of donors, to make grants and to act as a catalyst around issues of community importance in Carroll County. For details about making a charitable gift or establishing a permanent endowment fund to benefit a charitable organization or interest in Carroll County, please contact the Carroll County Community Foundation at (800) 964-0508 or visit the Web site at


