March 30, 2011 — One Clinton County student has been named a recipient of a four-year, full-tuition scholarship as the Clinton County Community Foundation 2011 Lilly Endowment Community Scholar.

Bethany Segraves, daughter of Douglas and Deborah Segraves, will receive full tuition to the Indiana college of her choice and up to $800 per year for required books and equipment.

Bethany, a Clinton Prairie High School student, is captain of the girl's varsity basketball team, president of the National Honor Society, co-president of Student Council and treasurer of the Class of 2011. She is a member of Key Club and the girl’s volleyball team. Bethany has tutored students in geometry and Spanish and was a volunteer assistant coach for elementary children for spring basketball camps.

She has earned many awards and honors: American Citizenship Award, I Dare You Leadership Award, Principal's Leadership Award Nominee and Girls State Alternate. Her basketball awards include Varsity Most Improved (9th grade), Outstanding Hustle (10th grade) and Sportsmanship (11th grade).

Bethany is a 10-year member of 4-H, vice president of the 4-H Paw Prints Dog Club, a church youth group member and church nursery volunteer. She plans to attend Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis to study Spanish.

When asked her reaction to being awarded the scholarship, Bethany said, "I can't believe this! This is incredible."

This is the 14th year that the Lilly Endowment has funded the Community Scholars program. The Clinton County Community Foundation defined the criteria based on the endowment's goal to "raise the educational attainment in Indiana." The selection criteria identified by the Foundation included scholastic achievements; school, community and work activities; essay; financial need; and an interview. There were 26 Clinton County students who applied for the scholarship. A committee of volunteers evaluated the applications and selected five finalists who were interviewed by the Clinton County Community Foundation board and Scholarship Committee.

The finalists' names were submitted to Independent Colleges of Indiana (ICI) for the selection of recipients. ICI is a nonprofit corporation that represents 31 regionally accredited degree granting, nonprofit, private colleges and universities in the state.

The Foundation recognized the achievements of the four finalists with $1,000 one-time, renewable scholarships. They include David Adams from Frankfort High School, son of Bethany Adams and Michael Adams; Brianne Little from Clinton Prairie High School, daughter of Stanley and Tina Little; Amanda Loveless from Frankfort High School, daughter of Kevin and Brenda Loveless; and Chadwick Strong from Frankfort High School, son of Michael and Lisa Strong.

"These students exemplify the high standards that Lilly Endowment hopes to achieve through its community scholarship program," said Debbie Graves, chairman of the Clinton County Community Foundation. "This program looks to the future of Indiana and helps promote the value of higher education in our state. In addition, it highlights the vital role foundations play in Indiana counties."

There were 142 scholarships awarded statewide. For the 2011 recipient group, the average cost per scholar is estimated at $106,000 for four years.

The Clinton County Community Foundation is a not-for-profit charitable organization created in 1996. The mission of the Foundation is to improve the quality of life of the community through the accumulation and stewardship of enduring charitable gifts. For details about making a charitable gift or establishing a permanent endowment fund to benefit a charitable organization or interest in Clinton County, please contact the Community Foundation at (800) 964-0508 or visit the Web site at


