Non-profit organizations awarded more than $119,600 during second half of 2013
December 20, 2013 — The Clinton County Community Foundation has awarded $119,600 in competitive grants during the second half of 2013. Combined with the first half total of $24,500 this brings the total of competitive grants awarded to $144,100 for the year.
"These grants support a wide range of interests throughout Clinton County," said John Shoup, chairman of the Clinton County Community Foundation Services Committee. "Our donors have varied interests so this is a good way to connect donor giving to the community. The competitive grant process helps to fund projects with the greatest need. We thank our donors for wanting to improve the quality of life in their community through the Foundation."
The following agencies and programs were awarded competitive grants:
$1,000 to the Book Readers and Horn Blowers supports the "George Gershwin: American Master" program at Suncrest and Clinton Prairie elementary schools. During an interactive school convocation, a professional story teller explores the story of Gershwin's life and work accompanied by a brass quintet playing his music. This is followed by a donation of books to the school library and an opportunity for students to hold and play instruments.
$12,100 to the Clinton County Family YMCA will be used to install handicap accessible automatic doors with automatic openers at the main entrance of the YMCA. This allows people with disabilities and/or mobility challenges access to the facility, equipmentand programs.
$3,500 to COACH Kids of Clinton County supports a new mentor training program. Grant funds will be used to perform volunteer mentor background checks and to purchase software that will enable staff to track information related to the mentor program.
$100,000 to IVY Tech Foundation provides a matching grant for the Ivy Tech Community College campus in Frankfort.
$3,000 to the Salvation Army of Clinton County will be used to purchase office equipment and software. The equipment will allow for better tracking and organization of client records as well as enhanced communication with organization stakeholders and partners.
The Clinton County Community Foundation is a not-for-profit charitable organization created in 1996. The mission of the Foundation is to improve the quality of life of the community through the accumulation and stewardship of enduring charitable gifts. For details about making a charitable gift or establishing a permanent endowment fund to benefit a charitable organization or interest in Clinton County, please contact the Community Foundation at (800) 964-0508 or visit the Web site at