Non-profit organizations awarded more than $82,300 during second half of 2011

December 14, 2011 — The Clinton County Community Foundation has awarded more than $82,300 in competitive grants during the second half of 2011. Combined with the first half total of $105,000, this brings the total of competitive grants awarded to more than $187,000 for the year.

"We are seeing more requests come in through our competitive grants process," said Debbie Graves, Chairman of the Clinton County Community Foundation Board of Directors. "We thank the donors to our unrestricted funds for utilizing the Foundation as a way to support Clinton County. As a Foundation, it is important to adapt to the changes in the community, and these donations enable us to help with current needs while building funds in anticipation of future needs."

The following agencies and programs were awarded competitive grants:

$2,000 to Book Readers and Horn Blowers (BRHB) will provide support for the "Duke Ellington, American Jazz Legend" program. BRHB will present the program in two Clinton County schools in conjunction with Black History month. The program increases student awareness of the importance of their American cultural heritage and promotes the love of reading, history and music. During this interactive program, Ellington's life will be presented through a convocation and musical performance.

$60,000 to the City of Frankfort will provide support for the Repair Stairways and Posts project at TPA Park. Grant money will be used for the demolition and excavation of the existing walls and steps, replacement of two sets of steps in the fountain complex, footings and the construction of new rock walls on the new footings to duplicate the originals. The purpose of the project is to restore the historical entrance to its original condition.

$2,816 to the Clinton County Boys & Girls Club will be used to purchase equipment to help outfit a Technology Center for the club. The Technology Center will be designed to encourage children to learn how to use a computer while participating in fun activities.

$6,000 to COACH Kids will provide support for the Parenting Matters program that will serve parents, grandparents or guardians responsible for the care of preschool children in Clinton County. The purpose of the program is to empower parents to prepare children for life and learning. Through this curriculum, parents will recognize personal parenting strengths, understand child development, manage stress, listen and attend to their children's feelings, and learn how to access community resources.

$1,000 to the Tippecanoe Arts Federation will provide partial support towards a mural in Clinton County. The project partners a professional artist with local youth and community members in the design, creation and implementation of the mural. The objectives are to beautify community areas, visually promote the benefit of arts in the community and have a positive impact on all participants. This program also is a collaborative educational outreach program that serves underserved and at-risk youth.

$10,000 to the Town of Rossville will be used to build a new shelter and additional parking for patrons of Rossville Town Park. The construction of a new park shelter house will become an added feature to attract residents to the park year-round.

$540 to the YWCA of Greater Lafayette will provide partial support to cover the costs of pamphlets to be used for an outreach effort educating students in Clinton County about the community issue of teen dating violence and the Domestic Violence Intervention Program. The pamphlets will increase awareness of teen dating violence and provide contact information for accessing free services including the shelter for women and their minor children, assistance in completing protective order forms, a 24-hour crisis hotline, groups that address anger management, and parenting and self-esteem issues.

The Clinton County Community Foundation is a not-for-profit charitable organization created in 1996. The mission of the Foundation is to improve the quality of life of the community through the accumulation and stewardship of enduring charitable gifts. For details about making a charitable gift or establishing a permanent endowment fund to benefit a charitable organization or interest in Clinton County, please contact the Community Foundation at (800) 964-0508 or visit the Web site at


